Past Paper 2017 – intros

Describe at least one important technique used in the written text
Explain how this technique helped you understand one or more key ideas.

In William Shakespeare’s play ‘Macbeth’ Shakespeare uses symbolism to help the readers understand the idea of ambition. Through the use of blood Shakespeare has been able to convey how ambition can be a negative influence. This play was written over four hundred years ago yet the symbol of blood is still universal. It helps the readers to recognise the nature of ambition.

Describe at least one challenge faced by a character or individual in the written text.
Explain how this challenge helped you to understand the character or individual.

In the play ‘Macbeth’ written by William Shakespeare the main character Macbeth was faced with the challenge of his morality. In the end this challenge became the reason for his downfall. It helped the audience to understand the fragile nature of Macbeth and how this challenge lead to the loss of his sanity.

Describe the ending of the written text.
Explain how this part of the text was predictable or unexpected

William Shakespeare’s play “Macbeth’ ended with the death of the main character Macbeth. Throughout the play every decision that Macbeth made lead him to gradual loss of his morality, leading to his death. Because of this, the demise of Macbeth became rather expected as the play advanced.

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Hi Samara – good for you for getting on to this so swiftly!

INTRO 1: This works, but I’d encourage you to give a bit more about the nature of ambition and its relationship with morality. What is the ‘nature of ambition’?

INTRO 2: I would encourage you to build into this much more concrete references to ambition itself. It’s his ambition that is revealed – I’d be more inclined to make the ‘challenge’ something also more concrete: for example his wife’s expectations or the consequences of his killing of Duncan or even better Banquo.

INTRO 3: This does a good job of addressing the first part of the question – but you’ll need also to explain WHY the ending was predictable.

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